CARBIOW (Carbon Negative Biofuels from Organic Waste) is a Research and Innovation Action funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Programme, which addresses green transition and circular economy by proposing novel technologies that cover the whole process of conversion of organic waste to maritime and aviation biofuels.
The goal of CARBIOW is to establish an efficient and scalable process to convert the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (OFMSW) and other hard-to-utilize solid organic wastes to biofuels


Establishing a new pre-treatment process of OFMSW where a cleaner, denser, carbon-rich, dry, and homogenous solid biofuel is produced

Utilization of pure oxygen (nitrogen-free gas) in combustion and gasification to produce clean syngas

Carbonization of gasification ashes with CO2 through innovative carbonation techniques to decarbonize the cement industry and address carbon negativity

Production of Fischer-Tropsch fuels for the maritime and aviation industry. The latter target will focus on the production of alcohols for maritime, and kerosene for the aviation sector


The ambition of CARBIOW closely contributes to the key aspects of sustainable development, green transition, and (bio)circular economy by:

  • Establish novel techniques such as torrefaction for organic waste pre-treatment and clean biofuel production.

  • Boost novel technology advancement in oxy-conversion of waste biofuels.

  • Valorization of OFMSW as a reliable, abundant, and secured source of biomass; besides boosting collaboration to establish a true bioeconomy.

  • Decarbonization of hard-to-abate sectors like aviation and maritime.

  • Decarbonization of large industries, such as cement, through CO2 fixation by promoting innovative and efficient techniques and generation of new negative carbon footprint mineral feedstocks.

Key component Development

Torrefaction reactor

Key component Development

Oxy-conversion fluidized bed

Key component Development

Catalysts for FT




Cement-based materials




Cement Industry


CARBIOW’s team is composed of highly complementary partners spread around Europe

Fundacion Tecnalia Research &Innovation
TECNALIA is the largest applied research and technological development centre in Spain, a European benchmark and member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance. The main scopes of action are: smart manufacturing, digital transformation, energy transition, sustainable mobility, Personalised health, urban ecosystem and circular economy. 

Technische Universitat Darmstadt
The Technical University of Darmstadt is a public university in Darmstadt, Germany. At the Institute of Energy Systems and Technology (EST) of the Technical University of Darmstadt, innovative fluidized bed processes for gasification and carbon capture are being developed. Here, the main goals are climate neutrality and environmental compatibility, while at the same time ensuring security of supply and price stability. The EST conducts research in multiple pilot plants, the largest being a 1 MW fluidized bed system with an attached gas cleaning plant. 

Vlaamse Instelling Voor Technologisch Onderzoek N.V.
The Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) is a leading independent European research and technology organisation in the area of cleantech and sustainable development. VITO’s long-established Sustainable Materials Department (SuMAT) has unrivalled experience of developing innovative materials and technologies from the initial stages of materials preparation, through advanced shaping processes into different structures and forms by droplet coagulation, spray drying, coating and 3D printing for use in chemical and energy applications. 

Svaheia Eiendom As - Seas
SEAS is a private company, owned by three local municipalities in the South-West of Norway, which specializes in active ownership and development of commercial real estate. At present, Svaaheia is a well-established industrial area with windmills, landfill, and a handling area for municipal waste. Through the process of creating a business park and collaborating with organizations on and off site, SEAS has developed competencies and circular practices in the fields of mining techniques and technologies, waste management and processing, and sustainable energy production. 

Vertoro Bv
Vertoro, based in Geleen, Netherlands, aims to speed up the green revolution by offering a bio-based alternative to fossil resources. It is a chemical biorefinery startup with a protected approach to transforming sustainably sourced woody and agricultural residues into platform bio-oils for the production of a wide range of bio-based chemicals, materials, and fuels. 

Cementos La Cruz, S.L.
CEMENTOS LA CRUZ is a cement company located in Murcia, southeast Spain. Its main activity is the production of different types of cements, concretes and mortars, including a new line of products with a low carbon footprint, CKLEEN. The company is aware of the relevance of innovation to be at the forefront of the construction sector and it has developed and R&D strategy based on for main pillars: sustainability and circular economy, 3D concrete printing and digital transformation. 

Feyecon Development &
Implementation Bv

FeyeCon is a private company located the Netherlands with a vast experience in process and product development based mostly on supercritical carbon dioxide technologies (Sc-CO2). 

Amibm / Universiteit Maastricht
Maastricht University (UM) is the most international university in the Netherlands. Thanks to its high-quality research and education and a strong focus on social engagement, the university distinguishes itself with its innovative education model, international character and multidisciplinary approach to research and education. Maastricht University aims to constantly get engaged in sustainable development, thereby establishing a European, cross-border research institute-Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM)-focusing on the development of advanced biobased materials. AMIBM design, create and translate biobased molecules, processes and materials into applications that outperform functionality and sustainability for better living. 

Kemijski Institut
The National Institute of Chemistry (NIC) has 374 employees, of which around 331 carry out research work in 9 departments and two infrastructure centers. Basic and applied research are oriented towards fields which are of long-term importance to both Slovenia and the world: materials research, life sciences, biotechnology, chemical engineering, structural and theoretical chemistry, analytical chemistry and environmental protection; through which the institute is in line with the needs of the domestic and foreign pharmaceutical, chemical, automotive and nanobiotechnological industries. 

Sumitomo Shi Fw Energia Oy
Sumitomo SHI FW (SFW) is a global provider of solutions and services that drive the decarbonization of energy.

SFW’s solutions include energy from biomass and waste, long duration energy storage, recycling of waste to valuable end products, carbon capture, flue gas cleaning, waste heat boilers, as well as related services to digitalize, optimize, and decarbonize assets that we deliver to the global power and industrial markets. 

Spanish Technology And Innovation Platform ‘Biomass For Bioeconomy’ - Bioplat
BIOPLAT is a public-private and non-profit organization covering activities in the field of biomass in its broadest sense, in terms of biomass resources (all types of recoverable organic matter), transformation technologies and applications (bioenergy, bioproducts, biomaterials and biochemicals). It also covers aspects of sustainability and regulatory framework; and carries out its activity in relation and collaboration with other related national and European technology platforms. 

Ivl Svenska Miljoeinstitutet Ab

IVL has Sweden's broadest environmental profile, with experts in virtually all areas of environment and sustainability. IVL has solid scientific expertise in engineering and environmental science, as well as experienced behavioural scientists, economists and social scientists. IVL is used to working on complex and interdisciplinary projects and taking an interdisciplinary approach. Together with industry, government and the research community, IVL is driving the transition to a sustainable society by turning science into reality, environmental problems into opportunities and linear processes into a circular. economy.